Best Way to Write an Insurance Agent Bio

Insurance Agent Bio

Why Insurance Agent Bio? The insurance industry is cutthroat. And if you want to be a successful insurance agent, you must use every tool available to you to stand out, build your personal brand, connect with potential accounts, and demonstrate that you are the agent they want for their insurance needs.

And one of the most effective ways to make that connection? Your agent’s biography.

Your insurance agent bio is your chance to share important information with prospective clients, demonstrate the level of professionalism they can expect when working with you, and, ultimately, drive new business for your insurance agency.

But how do you go about writing an agent bio? What details should you include? And how can you ensure that your bio communicates clearly what a great insurance agent you are—and why clients should choose you over other options in the market?

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Why Is an Insurance Agent Bio Necessary?

First and foremost, before we get into how to write your agent bio, let’s discuss why having a bio is such an important part of building a successful independent agent career.

A bio can assist you in a variety of ways in the insurance industry, including:

  • It increases credibility: A certain level of trust is required for an individual, family, or business to turn to you for their insurance needs. A good bio can help you gain credibility by demonstrating to potential insured that you are an experienced and knowledgeable agent, which will help you build your book of business.
  • It establishes a personal connection: Insured want to know they’re dealing with a real person, not a faceless insurance company representative. Your bio allows you to show potential clients who you are as a person, and that personal connection may persuade them to hire you.
  • It allows you to share critical information: Certain information is required for people to decide whether or not to work with you. Do you primarily work with families or small businesses? What kinds of insurance services do you provide to your clients? Your bio is an excellent place to provide this type of information to potential accounts, providing them with the information they need to make a purchasing decision.
  • And to highlight your accomplishments, do you have any industry-specific credentials that might be appealing to insurers? Did your insurance agency win an award for insurance sales or customer service? Your bio is an excellent place to highlight your professional accomplishments and leverage those accomplishments to land new accounts.

6 Step How to Write an Insurance Agent Biography

Agent biographies are clearly effective marketing tools.

There are a few steps you should take when writing your bio, including:

  1. Please introduce yourself

Your bio is your opportunity to introduce yourself to your insured, and you should take advantage of it right away.

Begin your bio with a few lines that introduce yourself to readers. You’ll want to share your name and job title, but also feel free to share information that may help build a personal connection, such as how you spend your free time outside of work.

  1. Explain your background and what you have to offer.

After you’ve explained who you are, it’s time to explain what you do.

Or, to put it another way, what is the next step in writing your insurance bio? Describe your experience and what you can offer your insured’s.

Your bio should clearly outline your experience in the insurance industry, including the type of insurance you specialize in, the type of business and/or people you serve, the insurance services you offer, the locations or areas you serve, and any professional accomplishments you want to highlight.

If you have a solid history of working in insurance, you may want to include your years of experience—but if you’re a new agent, feel free to leave that information out of your bio.

  1. Demonstrate why people should choose you over other agents.

Your bio should provide information about you, your company, and the services you offer. Consider that data to be the what.

But what if you want your bio to produce significant results for your insurance company? You should also explain why.

As previously stated, the insurance industry is extremely competitive. Potential insured’s have a wide range of agents to choose from, whether they are individuals looking for a new health plan or business owners looking for workers’ compensation insurance for their teams. So, in your bio, you must demonstrate why they should choose you.

Assume you’re writing a biography for your life insurance company. Why should someone choose you over the other life insurance agents in your area? Perhaps it’s because you go above and beyond for your clients. Perhaps it’s your 20+ years of experience in the field, which you use to help your insured’s navigate the often-confusing world of life insurance.

Whatever distinguishes you or sets you apart from the competition, you should include it in your bio; that way, when potential insured’s read it, they’ll have a better understanding of why you’re the best agent on the market—increasing the likelihood they’ll decide to engage your services.

  1. Include Contact Details

People should read your bio and want to work with you. However, if they are unable to contact you, you may miss out on the opportunity.

Include your contact information in your agent bio, such as your email, phone numbers (both business and personal), website URL, and social media handles (like your Facebook page or LinkedIn profile).

  1. Share your achievements

Include key accomplishments that distinguish you from other insurance agents, as well as skills and experience. Remember that your bio is not your resume, so include only the most important accomplishments in a way that readers can understand.

  1. Personalize it

Consider including fun, personal details in your bio to help clients connect with you. You could include information about your family, favorite hobbies, or causes you care about.

Tips for Writing a Good Insurance Agent Bio

Knowing what to include in your bio is only one component of the puzzle. But you’ll also need to write the bio, which may be difficult if writing isn’t your strong suit.

Here are a few pointers to consider when writing your bio:

  1. Use a natural tone of voice: You might believe that sounding as professional as possible is the key to writing an effective bio. And while professionalism is important, you don’t want to sound so professional that your bio reads like it was written by a robot. When writing, use your natural voice—that is, write as if you were talking. When you read your bio aloud, it should sound like you speak in a professional setting: warm, friendly, and approachable.
  2. Tell your story: Your bio contains a lot of information. However, you do not want it to read like a list! Use your bio to tell a story; narrative-based writing can create a more personal connection, which will make your bio more effective. For example, instead of saying “Cole received a BA in psychology from Ohio State University,” you could say “Cole developed his passion for people while studying psychology at Ohio State University.” After graduation, he used his psychology background to develop an approach to the insurance industry that prioritizes people—and gets the results his clients deserve.”
  3. Keep things brief:

When writing your bio, keep in mind that you’re writing an insurance agent bio, not a novel! Most readers have short attention spans, so if your bio is too long, they may abandon it before they get to the most important information. Your bio should be between 150 and 400 words long.

Great Insurance Agent Bio Examples

Need some more ideas before writing your bio? To get your creative juices flowing, here are some real-life examples of great insurance agent bios:

Example 1

For the past 47 years, Sam Fredrick  has been a licensed insurance agent. He enjoys developing new client relationships and always makes certain to provide them with the best life and disability insurance to meet their specific needs. Fredrick also specializes in long-term care and annuities through a number of reputable insurance companies.

Sam spends his spare time golfing and fishing with his three grandchildren. He and his wife, Wanda, have lived in Baltimore since 1985.

Example 2

My name is Hallie Robins, and I work as an independent insurance agent in East Briar.

I became an insurance agent because I wanted to help people understand complicated policies and give my clients peace of mind.

All policyholders, in my opinion, should be aware of their risk exposures.

My goal is to assist my clients in determining which insurance policies are appropriate for them so that I can provide them with adequate coverage.

I’ve been in East Briar with my husband, Nathan, and our two daughters, Michelle and Scarlett, for six years. In my spare time, I enjoy kayaking and volunteering at a local homeless shelter. I enjoy giving back to the community and participating in Blue Tigers Club fundraisers.

Example 3

Jennifer Simmons has over 26 years of experience assisting families with insurance and finances. Her beliefs are founded on her commitment to developing positive relationships with her clients. Jennifer is passionate about insurance because she wants to protect people and their families. Her services include health insurance, life insurance, and home insurance.


When introducing yourself to potential clients, writing an insurance agent bio is an important step. A well-written bio can help you make a good first impression and increase your client list. If you want to learn how to write an effective insurance agent bio, you must first understand what information to include and how the finished product should look. This article will explain why having an insurance agent bio is important, how to write one, and provide examples to use as inspiration for your own.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Kindly read through:

  1. What kind of content do insurance agents share on social media?

People use social media to learn, and your insurance agent social media posts can provide useful information. Include links to industry news stories that your clients will be interested in, such as the best life insurance plans available today.

  1. What is the best way to introduce yourself as an insurance agent?

I’d like to introduce myself as a new insurance agent in the neighborhood. With over 35 years of experience in the financial services industry, I am eager to share my knowledge with a new group of clients. When working with my customers, I take a consultative approach and always strive to provide the best solution possible.

  1. How should a job description for an insurance company be written?

Insurance agent responsibilities and duties

Make contact with potential customers. Customers should be educated on the various types of insurance coverage available and recommendations should be made based on their specific needs. Examine current insurance policies and suggest additional coverage as needed. Maintain the confidentiality of all insurance documents.

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Best Way to Write an Insurance Agent Bio

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