8 Facebook Marketing Mistakes Insurance Agents Should Avoid (and How to Fix Them)


Facebook is a popular social media platform. Do you intend to use it to reach a wider audience? You also investigated the websites of your competitors. You have read numerous Facebook marketing blogs. And you took the time to write dozens of posts yourself.

However, you are not seeing the desired results.

Are you simply publishing content for the sake of publishing it? Did you establish clear objectives for your posts? And why are people on Facebook in the first place?

Statista reports that the three main reasons people use Facebook are:

  • to keep in touch with people they care about,
  • to find entertainment,
  • as well as being aware of what is going on around them

If you try to serve these purposes when creating Facebook posts, you will have a much better chance of getting noticed or even likes and shares. However, this is not always the case, and we frequently see insurance agents who do not write with their target audiences in mind.

Here are the top eight Facebook marketing blunders that insurance agents make

  1. Use of Excessive Jargon

Let’s be honest. Insurance is a century-old industry riddled with jargons that most people don’t understand. Jargons irritate many people. However, you probably live and breathe jargon, so you may not even notice them in your posts.

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The solution: Explain the jargons one by one, Explain insurance to your audience. Assist them in comprehending how it works to keep them safe. Alternatively, you could share interesting insurance facts and stories. For instance, you could write a short post to explain an insurance term.

Then you can mention that NCB accumulates year after year and can save you up to 50% off your premium. Furthermore, the earned discount is transferable if they purchase a new car, for example.

  1. Being a product seller

You spent hours learning all 33 of a new product’s features.

You are ecstatic about them and believe it is critical to inform everyone about them.

But guess what? They simply do not care. Who searches for insurance product features on Facebook? People believe you are only interested in selling your products.

Most insurance agent’s most likely share the same product with the same features provided by their companies at roughly the same time. People will grow tired of seeing.

The solution: Nobody wanted to be sold to. Consider how you can add value to their lives by assisting them in making better decisions. Here are a few approaches to consider, know your customers: In order to explain how your products will meet the client’s needs, ask questions to identify those needs.

Concentrate on the benefits rather than the features, Your customers may be interested in only one or two features at some point in their lives. Explain how the features will benefit.

Sell your service in addition to the features, The more you know about your product, the better the solution you can provide. Tell your customers how your service can help them save time and money.

  1. Price-Based Selling

People nowadays use insurance comparison websites to find the best deals. They are comparing and purchasing based on price.

This is especially true in the P&C (Property and Casualty) industry, where products are very similar from one provider to the next. Customers will even abandon ship if they see the same coverage at a lower premium.

Many agents assumed that people would be drawn solely by price and tried to entice them with premium discount offers similar to what retailers do on Black Friday. Will people, however, purchase more policies when they are on.

The solution: Instead of selling on price, there are numerous ways to discuss premium across various types of insurance. You may explain how an insurance concept works to assist your customer in reducing, deferring, or even skipping payments under various circumstances.

Here are some keywords to get you started, Deductibles, Coinsurance, No-Claim-Bonus (NBC) and Premium holiday cancellation.

  1. They are not selling enough of their service.

Insurance companies compete fiercely with one another. The majority of them sell similar goods. And many agents use the same content that their company provides. They all have the same appearance.

The more you know about your product, the better the solution you can provide. Tell them how your service will help them save time and money. You must provide compelling reasons for people to purchase from you.

The solution: What do you have to offer your customers? What kind of insurance experience do you have?

Demonstrate how you add value by making a claim quick and simple. Alternatively, explain how your service will save them time and money. Make it easy for people to buy from you.

  1. A Lack of Engagement

Keep in mind that you’re on social media. You can’t avoid the “social” aspect! You must interact with your audience and respond to their comments.

According to a Facebook study, the majority of people believe that being able to message a business makes them feel more confident in the brand. People who interact with your Facebook content are more likely to buy from you.

The solution: Consumers today expect prompt responses from mobile devices and messaging apps. However, you must pay close attention to comments and messages. If not, they will find someone who will.

You can create engagement opportunities for free using social media platforms like Facebook. Ask them questions, solicit their feedback, use polls, and so on.

  1. A scarcity of shareable posts

If you use Facebook, you should post content that gets as many shares as possible. The more people who do this with your content, the more likely it will be seen by their Facebook friends in their news feed.

Examine all of your posts from the last two months. How many of them are distributed?

The solution: A few years ago, the New York Times conducted a study on why people share. It has become the social media sharing manifesto.

The following are the top five reasons for online sharing:

  • to provide others with useful and entertaining content
  • to define ourselves to others
  • to grow and nourish relationships for self-fulfillment
  • to market causes or brands

Before you hit the publish button the next time, go over the post and see if it can serve one of these functions. If you’re stumped, look at other people’s popular posts and see if they have these identities.

  1. Vague Call-To-Action (CTA)

Surprisingly, the Call-To-Action (CTA) in a Facebook post is either too many or not enough. Some agents are concerned about their message and attempt to include as many links as possible in a single post. These links are frequently lengthy and take up a lot of space.

On the other hand, some posts may contain blocks of information with no clear CTA to tell your audience what to do.

The solution: To address this, you must establish a clear goal for each of your posts. If you want likes, simply ask them to hit the like button. Make it clear that you want them to share your posts.

Alternatively, if you want to engage your audience, pose questions and invite them to comment.

You must also provide compelling reasons for them to do so. Instead of showing a link and asking them to click, say something like, “Click to learn how to save more money on your car insurance.”

Tell them why they should take that action and tease them about the benefits.

  1. Publication Randomly

You were in a meeting and wanted to make the most of your time. Or maybe you just came up with the best sales pitch ever and you can’t wait to tell everyone about it.

You take bits and pieces before assembling them into a post.

You sit back and wait for likes and comments. However, nothing happened. You appear to be writing to a ghost town.

The solution: On Facebook, time is of the essence. It will have an impact on the engagement on your posts.

According to a sproutsocial report, the most consistent engagement on Facebook occurred between the hours of 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The lowest engagement, on the other hand, occurred every day either before 7 a.m. or after 5 p.m.


let Facebook do what it does best, It is difficult to maintain a Facebook presence. And it will not increase your sales overnight. As an insurance agent, you must maintain authenticity in your content, be less sales, and focus more on engaging your audience.

Pose inquiries, Resolve issues, Educate potential customers, Give out useful information, Be of assistance And make them a more informed consumer.

Make use of Facebook to set yourself apart. Demonstrate how you add value to both current and prospective clients.

Most importantly, you must continue to test to determine what works best for you and your audience. You must discover your own success recipe by attempting new posts day after day, month after month.

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8 Facebook Marketing Mistakes Insurance Agents Should Avoid (and How to Fix Them)

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