21 Important Insurance Salesperson Tips For Young or Inexperienced Insurance Agents.

Insurance Salesperson

Several agency owners and producers have provided Insurance Salesperson Tips for new agents to assist you in getting up to speed as quickly as possible.

That is why this source has been developed. To assist young insurance salespeople in achieving success and to encourage hiring agents to consider young and inexperienced candidates.


Follow these 21 tips to become a novice but wildly successful insurance salesperson: ​

1) Dress more formally.

If you dress professionally, clients are more likely to take you seriously.  You don’t need to be convinced  of that.

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However, if you are the best-dressed person in the office, your coworkers and boss will take you more seriously, and most importantly, you will take yourself more seriously.

Confidence can sometimes come from the outside in. Everyone, including yourself, will begin to believe you if you look the part.

2) Avoid “Young” Slang.

Have you ever told a client or prospect that you are “all about” providing excellent customer service?

Do you agree by saying things like “Gotcha,” “Right on,” or “For Sure”?  Don’t get me wrong:  believe in being yourself and not apologizing for it, but when it comes to selling, the more you speak like your prospect, the better.

If your prospect does not use those terms, it will be more difficult to gain their trust when you do.

3) Discover Common Ground

Whatever your prospect’s age or background, you will always have something in common. Look for it.

Did you grow up in the same area? Do you have the same baseball team? Do you go to the same grocery store? Do you both adore your relatives?

Ask questions and figure it out so you can concentrate on the similarities and ignore the rest.

4) Inquire about the prospects’ children.

If you’re selling to someone much older than you, see if they have a child or grandchild your age and ask lots of questions about him or her.

You’ll get their mind thinking about their loved one. This increases your prospect’s likelihood of purchasing from you because they would want someone else to do the same for their child.

Plus, even if you’re young and inexperienced, if you’re more polished than their child, you’ll come across as a true professional.

5) Reference Combination of Experience

Remind prospects that they are not only buying from you.

If your prospect is concerned about your lack of experience, let them know you’re willing to learn.

6) Study Experienced Coworkers

In the business world, technology has created an extremely unusual situation.

It makes younger people believe they are smarter than they actually are.

Understanding how difficult it is to take advice from someone you just saw peck away at a keyboard to write a one-sentence email.

However,  knowing more multi-millionaire insurance agents than almost anyone else, there is almost no correlation between their technological abilities and their success.

This will change for your generation, but learn everything you can from those who have gone before you.

7) Be Passionate

Have you ever seen an infomercial that lacked enthusiasm? Everyone enjoys enthusiasm, and as a young salesperson, you can show it without appearing foolish.

People will think you’re young and full of energy. They’ll enjoy it. And they’ll believe it.

8) Monitor the Markets

Follow the stock market if you want to connect with a more mature and professional audience.

You don’t need to be an expert; just know enough to ask questions without sounding stupid.

After qualifying someone by asking if they follow the market, ask them, “What sectors do you think will do the best in the next quarter?”

And don’t become one of those Cramer want tobes who believes they always know what the sleeper stock is. To someone who has been following the market for years, it will make you appear inexperienced.

9) Pay Attention to Your Phone’s Voice

While on the phone with some clients, record your voice.

Do you sound intelligent?

Do you sound assured?

Do you sound like a small child who answered the phone in Daddy’s office?

10) Make Sales to Other Young People

When it comes to selling to other young people, you have a significant advantage. They number in the millions, Millions of people are buying homes, getting married, starting businesses, having children, and purchasing expensive items.

11) Avoid Ignoring Sales Fundamentals

Unfortunately, Facebook, Twitter, Text Messages, and QR Codes do not sell insurance, People do it.

Of course, there are tools that can help agents work more efficiently and effectively, but social media will never replace the fundamentals.

Read Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” It was written in 1936 and teaches you how Teddy Roosevelt, Henry Ford, Benjamin Franklin, and many other elderly people achieved success long before Mark Zuckerberg.

Everything in that book is as timely today as it was 75 years ago.

12) Say less and listen more.

There is always an urge to demonstrate your knowledge as a young or inexperienced salesperson. You want prospects to see that you know what you’re talking about because you’re concerned about it yourself.

The more you talk about or explain things they didn’t ask about, the more obvious it becomes how little you know. And the more likely you are to elicit a question you are unable to answer.

13) Mention Age First

The best way to avoid an objection is to raise it and overcome it before the prospect does.

Make a joke about your lack of experience and be candid about it.

You now have an opportunity to explain why your prospect should not be concerned.

(You’re well-trained, licensed, you ask questions when you don’t know the answers, and so on).

14) Be More Prepared

If your lack of experience makes you feel inept as a salesperson, find a way to compensate.

Work harder, longer hours, and learn more about your products. Have a response to every possible question.

Read sales books, listen to sales audio tapes, and attend sales seminars.

Practice your sales scripts, rebuttals, and closing in front of a mirror, a colleague, or a friend.

Nothing comes your way. Prepare to go and get it.

15) Be Prepared to Live in the Pits

Selling insurance is extremely difficult.

Insurance agents who have big houses and nice cars and play golf all over the world didn’t get there overnight. They sold, sold, and sold some more. And sold even more.

It’s the only way to become extremely successful in this business, and if you want to be successful, you’ll have to do it as well.

16) Develop Your Marketing Skills

You can’t rely on your agency or carrier to come up with all of your marketing ideas and generate leads.

To get you started, here are a few marketing resources: Insurance Agents Can Get a Free Marketing Book, 100 Insurance Agent Marketing Strategies, 100 Insurance Social Media Marketing Suggestions, 100 Insurance Lead Generation Suggestions

Insurance Lead Finder, You are a marketer, not just a salesperson.

17) Don’t Spew Characteristics

When you’re first starting out in sales, it’s natural to focus on product features rather than benefits.

You learned all ten features of a product at some point and are eager to demonstrate your knowledge by telling customers about all ten of them.

Unfortunately, they aren’t concerned with all of them.

There are probably one or two features that pique their interest, and it’s better to ask questions to identify the client’s needs so you can explain how your products will meet those needs rather than trying to explain everything.

Don’t force features on your customers; instead, identify and meet their needs.

18) Avoid Using Jargon

Nothing says “bad salesperson” like using jargon in front of someone who doesn’t understand it.

There is no better way to demonstrate to prospects that you don’t give a damn about them than to use terminology that no one outside your industry should understand. As a newcomer, you have the distinct advantage of being able to relate to clients as an outsider.

People will relate to you more if they believe you are still on their side. You have not entered the “insurance salesman” camp. Jargon only gives the impression that you’re trying to hide something.

19) Recognize and Act on Buying Indications

seen a lot of new salespeople shoot themselves in the foot by not knowing when to shut up.

Allow someone to buy when they are ready.

If you feel the need to explain everything, go ahead and do so after you get their signature and a check.

20) Do not sell based on price.

understanding People are shopping on price, comparing prices, and purchasing on price.

You buy everything based on price, right?

The bottom line is this:

If you truly believe that people only buy based on price, you should quit right now. You’re in the wrong industry, and it doesn’t need you.

They can’t survive with a bunch of price-checkers. If you don’t get out now, the entire industry will suffer.

21) Cherish Your Youth

Be insane. Take chances. Be enthusiastic. Be youthful!

Nobody ever had a mid-life crisis and went into insurance sales. Don’t be afraid to breathe new life into this company. Have fun, smile, and laugh.


Selling insurance is not the same as selling anything else. Insurance sales is one of the most expensive items people purchase, and they cannot see, touch, or hold it. You’re selling concepts. You’re selling faith. You’re selling guarantees. You’re promoting yourself.

I despise seeing young producers fail, and I despise even more seeing agents miss out on the largest pool of inexpensive, passionate, and open-minded talent.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”How do you approach customers to sell insurance?” answer-0=”Create a viable referral system. Increase the number of pages on your website. Create a clear and concise lead nurturing strategy, for example. ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=” What exactly is an inbound closer?” answer-1=”An inbound closer is a salesperson who works with qualified leads, also known as “inbound leads.” It’s not like a typical telemarketing job in which you make “outbound” calls to sell products to people who don’t want them.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”What type of insurance sales is the most profitable?” answer-2=”While there are many different types of insurance (ranging from auto insurance to health insurance), the most lucrative career in the insurance industry is that of a life insurance salesperson.” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]

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21 Important Insurance Salesperson Tips For Young or Inexperienced Insurance Agents.

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