What Exactly Is Hurricane Insurance, and is it Important to get it?

Hurricane insurance

Hurricane insurance is a collection of insurance policies that you can buy to protect your home from hurricane damage, such as flood, windstorm, and home insurance.

If you live in a hurricane-prone area, you should get enough coverage to cover the cost of completely rebuilding your home. Hurricanes can cause catastrophic damage, and standard home insurance policies do not always cover all of it.


What exactly is hurricane insurance?

In theory, there is no such thing as “hurricane insurance.” Instead, you’ll need to protect your home from the two most common causes of hurricane damage: water and wind.

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To ensure adequate hurricane coverage, you may need to purchase these separate policies:

  • Flood insurance is available: Most homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover floods, including storm surge water. You’ll need flood insurance to get coverage.
  • Windstorm coverage: Windstorm damage is not covered by homeowners insurance policies in some hurricane-prone states. If you live in one of these states and want to be covered, you must purchase a separate windstorm insurance policy.

Wind damage from a hurricane is covered by homeowners insurance.

A home insurance policy is the first line of defense against a hurricane, and in some states, it may be supplemented by flood insurance or windstorm insurance.

A standard home insurance policy will cover damage caused by high winds. If the high winds of a hurricane, for example, rip off your siding or shingles, your policy will reimburse you for the damage. Some policies include a hurricane deductible.

Windstorm insurance provides coverage for wind damage.

Companies in some states, such as Louisiana, Texas, and Florida, may require you to purchase an additional windstorm insurance policy in addition to your standard home insurance policy.

In this case, all wind damage would be covered by this policy rather than your standard homeowners policy.

In addition to hurricane coverage, you’d be protected against tornadoes, cyclones, and high-speed wind damage. You should check with your insurer to see if you require a separate windstorm policy.

Hurricane deductibles

In 19 states, you may be required to pay a hurricane deductible in addition to your regular deductible before being reimbursed for a hurricane claim.

The hurricane deductible is typically between 2% and 5% of the amount insured for your home. Typically, for the deductible to be activated, the storm must be a named hurricane and meet certain other criteria, such as reaching land. Check your policy documents or ask your insurance company when the hurricane deductible is due.

Just be aware that you may have to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket to have your home repaired following a hurricane. If you own a high-value home and are concerned about a hurricane, keep the deductible funds on hand.

Named Storm deductible

This type of deductible usually applies if your home is damaged by a storm named by the National Weather Service or the National Hurricane Center. This type of deductible would not be triggered by a tornado or other severe windstorm.

Flood insurance covers hurricane and water damage.

Flood insurance only covers one thing: damage to your home and belongings caused by an external flood. This refers to water damage caused by rain or storms, not a burst pipe.

Flood insurance covers water remediation and repairs if a hurricane causes rising floodwaters and the water enters your home. Flood damage is particularly costly; an inch of floodwater can cause $10,000 in damage on average. The typical flood insurance claim is for $30,000.

If you live in a high-risk area, your mortgage lender may require you to have flood insurance. For everyone else, the simplest way to determine whether your home is at risk of flooding is to search for your address in your community’s flood map to find your flood risk. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s flood mapping program involves thousands of communities across the country (FEMA).

Flood maps are classified according to their “risk.” If you live in a “X” or “A” designated flood zone, your home is at the greatest risk of flooding, and you should obtain flood insurance. You live in a moderate zone if you are in a “B,” “C,” or “X” zone. Moderate-risk areas account for approximately 25% of all flood insurance claims. A flood insurance policy is a good idea if a hurricane is expected to hit your area in the next few years and you live in a moderate zone.

If you live in an area where flooding is unlikely, you can probably avoid flood insurance.

Why do you need both home and flood insurance in the event of a hurricane?

Whether you have a homeowners policy or a home and windstorm policy, the coverage will most likely be insufficient.

A hurricane brings both wind and water, but a windstorm policy only covers wind. If the cause of the damage — wind or water — is unknown, dealing with the insurance company can be a major headache. To avoid this situation, you should also have a good flood insurance policy.

For example, during Hurricane Sandy in 2012, a home collided with and destroyed a neighboring home. The owners of the destroyed home claimed wind blew the neighbor’s home into theirs, but the insurer claimed it was water. Because water was found to be the cause, the homeowner’s claim was denied, and they received no money for repairs. This is where flood insurance could have come in handy to help pay for the cost of rebuilding their home.

What is the cost of hurricane insurance?

To fully protect their home from a hurricane, most homeowners must pay around $2,179 per year. The average cost of homeowners insurance is $1,445 per year, while flood insurance costs $734 per year.

Extra windstorm coverage may cost several hundred dollars more, but the amount you ultimately pay is determined by the value of your home and its proximity to a body of water.

If you live in a high-risk flood zone, you could end up spending several thousand dollars on flood insurance — something to think about before purchasing a home so close to water. Home insurance policies for very valuable homes will be more expensive, and can cost several thousand dollars. But keep in mind that the more valuable your home, the more you stand to lose during hurricane season.

Is your car covered by hurricane insurance?

Your home insurance does not cover damage to your car caused by flooding, wind, or hail, but your car insurance may.

Most states require liability coverage, which covers damage to others in the event of a hurricane, such as if wind or water smashes your car into a neighbor’s house. Collision coverage protects you if you hydroplane and collide with another vehicle.

During common hurricane scenarios, comprehensive insurance will pay for car repairs or pay out the value of your car: Debris, such as street signs or tree branches, collide with your vehicle, Your car is washed away by rising flood waters and Flooding with saltwater rusts or corrodes your car.

Property Insurance Can Help You Prevent And Repair Damage

If your home is damaged by a hurricane, take photos or videos of the damage and save any repair receipts. Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to file a claim. Also, adhere to their repair instructions.

Property insurance is essential in the event of storm damage, such as hurricanes and floods. Property insurance can help cover the cost of repairs and reduce the financial damage caused by a hurricane. Flood and hurricane damage are not always covered by property insurance. Check your policy to ensure you understand what is covered.

If your property insurance does not cover hurricane damage, you should purchase a separate policy.

Is hurricane damage covered by renters insurance?

Most renters policies do not cover flood damage to your belongings caused by a hurricane or other storm. Flood insurance may be worthwhile if you rent a house or first-floor apartment near the coast, but it may be difficult to obtain for a basement apartment. Your landlord’s insurance will only cover the building’s structure, not your personal belongings.)

Wind damage is covered by most renters insurance policies, though it is sometimes excluded in high-risk areas. If wind damage is a concern, make sure you’re covered under your policy. If not, contact your insurance company or agent to see if this coverage can be added to your policy.

Examine your insurance policy.

Before you need to file a claim, take the time to understand what your homeowners insurance policy covers and what it does not.

Many policies have exclusions, and you may need to buy endorsements or separate policies to get some coverage. You may also have a separate hurricane deductible that is different from the deductible you have for a standard claim.

It is a good idea to contact your agent or insurance company before hurricane season to review your policy. If you discover that you require additional coverage, you have the option of requesting quotes to obtain the coverage you require.


Not only is your home where your heart is, but it is also where your money is. It’s most likely your most valuable asset, which is why you have homeowners insurance to protect it.

Even the best home insurance will not cover every type of hurricane damage. If you live near the coast, knowing what your homeowners insurance will and will not cover is critical to finding the right hurricane insurance.

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What Exactly Is Hurricane Insurance, and is it Important to get it?

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